The Buckeye Wellness Innovator Program: A Quality Improvement Evaluation




wellness champions, worksite wellness, culture of wellness, evidence-based, program evaluation


Background: Wellness champion networks are a best practice strategy to promote and sustain a culture of well-being in organizations and institutions of higher education.

Aim: The purpose of this quality improvement evaluation was to determine program effectiveness and areas of opportunity for a university wellness champion program.

Methods: An anonymous survey was sent to 700 wellness champions, the Buckeye Wellness Innovators (BWIs), to assess program components, identify areas of opportunity, and gather participant feedback.

Results: A total of 202 BWIs (28.8%) responded to the survey. Seventy-five percent reported at least moderate engagement in the role. There was a strong desire among respondents to contribute to the university’s wellness initiative. Areas of opportunity include further colleague engagement in wellness services and programs, enhanced communication from program facilitators, and continued and increased support for the wellness champion role.

Conclusions: Feedback on the program was positive overall. Several areas of opportunity for program improvement were identified. Wellness champions are an effective evidence-based strategy to support a culture of wellness in institutions of higher education and their feedback is important for program quality improvement.




How to Cite

Quaye, N., Amaya, M., Johnson, N., Melnyk, B., & Wapner, A. (2025). The Buckeye Wellness Innovator Program: A Quality Improvement Evaluation. Building Healthy Academic Communities Journal, 9(1), 39–47.



Quality Improvement Project